Monday, February 28, 2011

Cleansing Face Wash

I have developed a face wash recipe which I absolutely love. I make this wash in a small, 3 oz bottle (I bought a package of small travel bottles at a local pharmacy; they work great for this), so that it lasts about two weeks. This way, it always stays fresh and I have the option of creating different scents and combinations each time. I recommend making a small bottle of this wash, so that you can see what works best for your skin. Then, once you create the perfect mix, you can increase the ingredient ratios and mix it in a larger bottle. So, the following ingredient amounts are based on a 3 oz bottle size.

  • Castile soap. 3 tablespoons. I use castile soap for everything, so I will be writing about it a lot. There are several brands out there, but my current favorite is Dr. Bronners. Their soaps are made with all organic ingredients, and are fair trade. They also come in some lovely scents, like lavender, rose, eucalyptus, peppermint, etc. For my current face wash, I used the rose scent. Next time, I plan on using eucalyptus. You can buy castile soap at most local supermarkets. I suggest buying it online for a better price. This is the one I purchased and I absolutely love the smell: Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps Pure-Castile Soap, 18-in-1 Hemp Eucalyptus, 32-Ounce

  • Rose water. 1 1/2 teaspoons. Rosewater smells wonderful and soothes the skin. I use it in face wash to dilute the harshness of the castile soap. You can put rose water into a spray bottle and use it as a mild perfume, a refreshing after-shower mist, or as an air freshener. You can buy it at most health food stores or online. Here is the one that I use: Heritage Products Rosewater, Rose Petals, 8-Ounces (Pack of 3).

  • Vitamin E oil. 1/2 teaspoon. Vitamin E oil is nourishing and healing and anti-inflammatory. It is also an antioxidant. I buy mine at Trader Joe's, but it is available in most health food stores. Just make sure you read the label! Do not buy anything that is actually 90% corn oil or soybean oil, because that is a rip off.

  • Jojoba oil. 1/2 teaspoon. I use jojoba oil for just about everything. It is a great carrier oil to use for diluting other oils. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is beneficial for both hair and skin. It is a drier oil, so it does not leave you feeling greasy. Jojoba oil also works really well as a makeup remover! My personal favorite is the Desert Essence brand: Desert Essence Jojoba Oil for Hair, Skin & Scalp 4 fl oz (120 ml). I also just bought the NOW brand, and I really like it: NOW Foods Organic Jojoba Oil, 4 ounce.

  • Tea Tree oil. 1/4 teaspoon. Tea tree oil has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties. It has extensive health benefits and uses. If you have acne-prone skin, tea tree oil will work especially well to clear up your skin. It is a great thing to keep in your first aid kit, since it is a natural antibiotic. I also use it on arthritic pain on my knees. Caution must be taken when using this product, however. It is very powerful and can cause allergic reactions in some users. Never use it directly on the face, always dilute a very small amount of it in a carrier oil (such as jojoba). Do not use more than the recommended amount, and do not use it if you are pregnant. I will write more about the uses of tea tree oil in future posts. I use the Desert Essence brand: Desert Essence - 100% Pure Austrailian Tea Tree Oil, 2 fl oz liquid.

  • Vegetable Glycerin. 3/4 teaspoon. Vegetable glycerin softens skin and is a humectant (it keeps moisture in). Make sure you buy a food grade, pure glycerin, made from vegetable oils. This is the one I use: Vegetable Glycerin 4 Ounces

  • Aloe. 2 teaspoons. Aloe is my favorite skin moisturizer. It works well by itself or mixed with other ingredients. It can be used as a toner and even as a hair gel. The tricky part is finding PURE aloe vera gel. Most of the products on the market contain very dangerous additives that are harmful to your health. Always read the labels. If there are weird ingredients and you have no idea what they are, then you probably do not need to be putting them on your body. I recommend Aubrey Organics Aloe: Aubrey Organics - 100% Pure Aloe Vera Gel, 4 fl oz gel, or Mountain Rose Herbs Aloe: Mountain Rose Aloe Vera Gel. Both of these have limited preservatives, so keep the bottle in the fridge! There are tons of uses for aloe, so it is good to keep a bottle handy.

So thats it! Just mix those ingredients and use it once or twice a day, whatever your routine. Follow with a toner or a moisturizer (or just aloe or jojoba oil!) Shake the bottle before each use, to keep the ingredients from separating. Don't be afraid to experiment with the ingredients. Everyone skin is different. If your skin feels too dry after you wash it, try adding some more jojoba oil to your mixture. If you feel that it is too oily, at a little more castile soap and aloe. And last but not least, enjoy having naturally clean and healthy skin!

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